{ making-sweetnesshomemaking-sweetness } { CV making-sweetness }

Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

.: chat chat

.: chat chat: "holle dapet retweet loh dari bang kribo yang satu ini hahah kagetnya sampe degdegan hahha makaci ya bang kliboo udah liat2 bloq aku yang k..."

new year

sekali lagi gue mau bilang
happy new year (♥⌣♥) 
kemarin malam jam 10 makan seafood d rumah
bakar cumi jumbo
hummm enakk tapi gimana yah
karna cuminya rada gosong jadi ga maknyus deh

oke tepatnya jam 1 pagi gue foto2
dan mau adegan loncat
eh malah jatoh
:'( kaki,tanggan gue cedera

huff sedih deh
sedihnya bukan gara2 sakitnya tapi sedih gara2
lama ilang bekas lukanya

Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

inspired by their blog

assalamualaikum guys
salam sejahtera
salam sentosa
salam tempel (pake duit serebuan)

hahahah first , gue mau ngucapin

and second , thnk's buat  dianarikasari - benakribo yang udah bikin hari-hari gue di dpan komputer ga ngebosenin hahahahhaha dan gue merasa banga di dunia maya ada juga kaum2 yang cerdas sprti mereka....

oke kita share yahh

tiap hari gue selalu buka ini
ya ga tau kenapa yah 
fashionya ka diana keren-keren
color full bgt
itu yang ga bikin bosen ngeliatnya
hahahha good luck ya ka diana buat desain fashionnya
jgn pernah ilang ide-ide cemerlangnya

dan ini dia bang kriboo eh salah benakribo
pertama gue liat bertanya-tanya "ini BLOG ato WEB???"
humm ya whatever lah mao blog kek mao web kek tapi icinya itu lohhhhh
blognya bang kribo lucu banget
pa lagi dia punya ciri kas action gif yang cium2 gitu trs muka tidur huakakak
rasanya kalo gw ktemu orngnya mau gue tanya
"bang td mlm obatnya abis ye?"
isinya juga keren walopun gue sempet bingung mau klik yang mana
hahaha buat bang KERIBO ato BENAKRIBO 
g00dluck yahh
atas blognya yang massuk majalah 

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

new blog fashion

hellow guys.... how are you

you must finish watching a trophy aff

and how? Indonesia won?

well i make a new 
and I'm making a blog about fashion artist


okey look-see ya and visit my blog too

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

be fan willow smith




Willow Smith: Whip My Hair Lyrics

I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth

Hop about the bed turn my swag on
Pay no attention to them haters cuz we whip em off
and we ain't doing nothing wrong
so don't tell me nothing, i'm just tryna have fun
so keep the party jumping

so whats up (yea)
And I'll be doing what to do
we turn our back
and whip our hair and just shake them off
shake them off, shake them off, shake them off

Don't let haters keep me off my grind
Keep my head up i know I'll be fine
Keep fighting until i get there
When i'm down and i feel like giving up i think again

I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth

I'ma get more shine in a little bit
Soon as i hit the stage applause im hearing it
whether its black stars black hearts im feeling it
but can't none of them whip it like i do
I, i gets it in mmmm yea i go hard
when they see me pull up i whip it real hard
i whip it real hard, real hard, i whip it real hard

Don't let haters keep me off my grind
Keep my head up i know I'll be fine
Keep fighting until i get there
When i'm down and i feel like giving up i think again

I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth  

I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)

I whip my hair back and forth

I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)

I whip my hair back and forth

I whip my hair back and forth (ok, ok just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth

All my Ladies if you feel me

do it do it whip your hair (whip your hair)
Don't matter if its long, short (long,short)
do it do it whip your hair (whip your hair)

All my Ladies if you feel me

come on do it do it whip your hair (whip your hair)
Don't matter if its long, short (long short)
do it do it whip your hair (your hair, your hair)

I whip my hair back and forth

I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)

I whip my hair back and forth

I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I whip my hair back and forth
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)

I whip my hair back and forth

I whip my hair back and forth
I whip...

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

what should I do?

Today I woke up at 6, then there is the lag time to get online

Huff seems to me very busy next year ...


@ for my companion in arms "the spirit of successful films ..  good luck guys''

@ for my boyfriend "honey guard health
@ for parents "i'm sorry because it always came home tonight

and last


he faces

hahhaah bisa ngakak liat ni foto ckckck

so cute 

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010


Be My Lady

Since i’ve known you babe
You were a light for me
But there’s no yours sincerely
Build me a world to believe

But still there’s a doubt
in you for loving me
Though deep down inside
You see what’s in me

Be my lady be the one
and great things will come to our heart
you’re my lady you’re my one
give me chance to show you love

Artist: Sandy

He expressed love through this song
♥ patra

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

me and friends (cartoon version)


this is me
 I like drawing, painting, photographing, playing computer games, 
read comics,watch cartoons, 
make animations and others are concerned with art


he's my boyfriend his name patra
he likes playing basketball, like to eat snacks, its quiet, 
sweet, handsome, white skin,wearing glasses. I love him


he's my friend, quite a handsome man, badanya good shape, 
and he was much in lovegirl on campus, 
with a metrosexual style makes her craziest mad woman


He is a photographer on the campus name andi
small body, cheerful, funny and
but always late to class


danang = Jamet = jawaa

Surabaya native people, once cooked Javanese accent, friendly people, quick mix,
good to chat with, smart talk about himself

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010


Aladdin pants with a green scarf

 oh god no garbage near bamboo trees*

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

favorite glasses

sunglasses great for a hot weather. This is my favorite glasses .I always carry my glasses everywhere .The round shape patterned iridescentI got from gogirl magazine
 hihuyy ... 
i love my glasses

messy my room

lazy cleaning my room

my sleeping friendal-quran and nds

play games in fb

electrical wires everywhere


donald & pooh

internet modem


picture : me and my bunny

"PLEASE HELP" clean my room 

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

i ♥ my rooms

kamarku berwarna warni
biru dan kuning 
di hiasi dengan tempelan foto2 kenanganku
memiliki tempat tidur yang berwarna pink

"I love my room"